Walk the whale
Walk the Whale are songwriters, musicians and performing artists who give us honest and clever songs in a sophisticated multi - instrumental sound.
Flowing in the genres of alt-rock and folk, their layered compositions offer thoughtful, provoking songs capturing shared experiences.
What results is heart-filled artful music that addresses the challenges and melancholy that life deals us, while simultaneously giving us a lesson and a way out. The compositions are masterful, with precise and perfect flow, translated through the instrumentation of keyboards, cello, violin, bass, guitar, and drums.
“We make music we’d want to hear. We're tougher critics than anyone about our music. So, the audience can trust that we're not messing around up there. Maybe someday we'll get looser with our forms, like the great jazz and jam bands out there. But for now, our music nerd selves are enjoying the sound of everything we've learned about music being turned into songs we're proud to share.”
Some musical idols: Radiohead, King Crimson and Pink Floyd.
Read their full bio, including the story behind that name!

Hip shot
They met at a music school in Florida.
Heroes include Mahler, Bartok, Tool, and the Beatles
Enemies include perfectionism and day jobs
Writing songs they always wanted to hear
Home in California after a long time looking
A way to nerd out on all they love about music
Love nothing more than to make songs with others
Educational background, former music teachers
Syncing their music with film, television, and the stage is one of their big goals